"This is the beginning of a new day. I have been given this day to use as I will. I can waste it. . . or use it for good, but what I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it! When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something that I have traded for it. I want it to be gain and not loss; good and not evil; success, and not failure; in order that I shall not regret the price that I have paid for it. I will try just for today, for you never fail until you stop trying. --Ric Kausrud, 1997.
- He who creates the most meaningfulness, wins.
- He who dies having achieved the most he wanted to in life, wins.
- He who has the highest quality of life while spending/purchasing the least, wins.
- You are alive, but only for a little while.
- You are a tiny speck in an infinite universe.
- You have a plethora of options in front of you today.
- Start living. Beginning this very moment.
- You already have everything you need.
- Be content with losing everything except your principles.
- Motivation only operates properly internally.
- The world doesn’t care if you’re tired.
- Hit where you aim, don’t miss the mark.
- Cultivate a burning ambition for success.
- Sacrifice what it takes to achieve results.
- Apply overwhelming force.
- Constantly pursue knowledge.
- Recalibrate and practice where necessary.
- Apply your understanding.
- Be honest with yourself, and then with others.
- Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.
- Be as thoughtful of your inclinations as possible.
- Always respect, but do not hold expectations.
- You will eventually abandon your body, but preserve your honor.
- Nothing is ‘risk-free’.
- Be detached from desire your whole long life.
- Discard all unnecessary possessions.
- You are not obligated to do a single thing.
- It is only a mistake the first time.
- Nothing should be taken for granted.
- Leave circumstances better than how you found them.
- Spread goodness unto everyone.
- Always be thankful; Communicate it.
- Always be complimentary; Communicate it.
- Ego will often create irrelevant fear.
- Pleasure for it’s own sake is wasteful.
- A partial feeling can never be depended upon.
- Regret only stunts growth.
- Jealousy only hinders the self.
- Separation cannot always be reconciled.
- Lust or love are never good guides.
- The unknown should not be feared.
- Death should not be feared.
- Avoid taking action for the sake of following customary beliefs.
- You cannot assume your actions may not have beneficial outcomes.
- Life is either less work in the present, or more work in the future.
- Never allow yourself to become comfortable.
The Way
- Measure the consequences.
- Never stray away from The Way.