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Journal.Kim —A Metasystem Experiment

It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day, that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.
—Bojack Horseman

Fineprint for Goals

 | #Beeminder#Meta

This is an idea I’m borrowing from Nathan Arthur. A derailment of a Beeminder system is not legitimate and does not count if any of the following conditions are true. These are, of course, nullified if a specific goal’s fineprint states otherwise, as that supersedes these rules.

  • The derailment occurred between sundown Friday night and midnight Saturday night.
  • The derailment occurred happened because of automation gone awry.
  • The derailment occurred due to modifying/correcting previous data.
  • I met goal requirements, but botched data entry somehow.
  • I met goal requirements, but couldn’t enter data because of lack of Internet access.
  • I met goal requirements, but did not enter the data on Beeminder on time (if manual entry).
  • I become severely ill to the extent I cannot perform the task.
  • I have derailed two or more systems within the same day. (To avoid compound mistakes.)